
Tour Divide Tracker - Gibney__Mike

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Show split-check locations

= A stop of more than four hours.

from Pleasanton, CA

Gibney, Mike - Last 10 points

Racer has scratched (dropped out)

#272 on Fri Jun 18 14:47:26 2010 (21 days, 22 hours, 32 minutes ago). 0 feet traveled at 0.0 mph
#271 on Fri Jun 18 14:37:24 2010 (21 days, 22 hours, 42 minutes ago). 23 feet traveled at 0.0 mph
#270 on Fri Jun 18 14:27:24 2010 (21 days, 22 hours, 52 minutes ago). 2.06 mi traveled at 15.0 mph
#269 on Fri Jun 18 14:19:10 2010 (21 days, 23 hours, 0 minutes ago). 2.78 mi traveled at 20.8 mph
#268 on Fri Jun 18 14:11:10 2010 (21 days, 23 hours, 8 minutes ago). 3.11 mi traveled at 13.6 mph
#267 on Fri Jun 18 13:57:29 2010 (21 days, 23 hours, 22 minutes ago). 2.41 mi traveled at 14.4 mph
#266 on Fri Jun 18 13:47:26 2010 (21 days, 23 hours, 32 minutes ago). 2.31 mi traveled at 13.9 mph
#265 on Fri Jun 18 13:37:26 2010 (21 days, 23 hours, 42 minutes ago). 1.88 mi traveled at 11.3 mph
#264 on Fri Jun 18 13:27:27 2010 (21 days, 23 hours, 52 minutes ago). 0.37 mi traveled at 2.2 mph
#263 on Fri Jun 18 13:17:28 2010 (22 days, 0 hours, 2 minutes ago). 1.10 mi traveled at 6.6 mph
#262 on Fri Jun 18 13:07:26 2010 (22 days, 0 hours, 12 minutes ago).

Audio call ins

Gibney, Mike call in feed on MTBCast (RSS)

Checkpoint times

Elkford 2:00:45
US Border 2:01:24
Whitefish 3:02:37
Lincoln 5:04:46
Butte scratch
Lima scratch
Island Park scratch
Flagg Ranch scratch
Boulder scratch
Atlantic City scratch
Rawlins scratch
Steamboat Spgs scratch
Silverthorne scratch
Salida scratch
Del Norte scratch
Abiquiu scratch
Cuba scratch
Pie Town scratch
Silver City scratch
Antelope Wells scratch


Distance to next waypoint (Butte ) = 0.00 miles
Estimated arrival time at Butte = Sat Jul 10 13:20:02 2010 (00:00 from now)
At mile 710.0 of race route, route average speed = 4.1 mph
Route miles per day = 98.1
SPOT distance = 379.93 miles, SPOT Average speed = 3.04 mph

Speed plot:

(x-axis = miles)

Speed vs time plot:

(x-axis = time in hours)