
Vapor Trail 125 Tracker - Staff_J

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Show split-check locations

= A stop of more than four hours.

Staff J - Last 10 points

#2 on Sun Sep 12 19:33:14 2010 (3 days, 2 hours, 1 minutes ago).

Checkpoint times

Raspberry Gulch
Alpine Tunnel
Cyn Creek High Point
Peel Point Monarch
Starvation Loop
Rainbow Trail


Distance to next waypoint (Raspberry Gulch) = 0.00 miles
Estimated arrival time at Raspberry Gulch = Wed Sep 15 21:35:02 2010 (00:00 from now)
At mile 127.9 of race route, route average speed = 5.9 mph
Route miles per day = 142.4
SPOT distance = -0.46 miles, SPOT Average speed = 0.02 mph

Speed plot:

(x-axis = miles)

Speed vs time plot:

(x-axis = time in hours)