
Arizona Trail Race '11 Live Tracker

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Race clock = 14:10:54

NamePatagoniaKentucky CampColossal CaveTucsonSummerhavenOracle
Aaron Gulley 05:39 07:37 scratch scratch scratch scratch
Aleck MacKinnon 07:47 1:00:33 scratch scratch scratch scratch
Andy Stevenson 07:00 10:31 1:06:50 1:10:21 scratch scratch
Brad Kee 08:22 11:33 22:53 1:02:13 1:14:32 2:00:21
Brad Mattingly 05:00 09:10 1:01:25 1:05:04 2:04:33 scratch
Dave Harris 06:26 09:27 22:29 1:00:58 scratch scratch
Eric Foster 06:06 10:16 1:05:03 1:10:32 scratch scratch
Erick Lord 08:42 12:42 1:02:43 1:07:43 2:04:26 2:11:46
Jamil Coury 10:10 1:00:29 scratch scratch scratch scratch
JC Cullen 1:00:17 1:05:46 2:03:02 2:11:41 scratch scratch
Jill Hueckman 08:23 18:20 23:13 1:05:10 scratch scratch
Joseph Meiser 04:55 09:08 14:48 17:25 1:21:52 1:21:52
Kurt Refsnider 04:40 07:41 14:49 17:50 1:05:03 scratch
Lynda Wallenfels 05:45 08:56 20:56 23:35 1:10:45 2:01:31
Marshal Bird scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch
Matt Fusco 08:05 12:05 22:33 1:02:34 2:05:37 2:10:53
Matt Ruscigno 1:01:13 1:05:32 1:16:48 2:03:25 3:09:29 3:09:39
Max Morris 07:42 22:26 1:05:05 1:08:15 2:05:01 2:18:45
Michael Szerszunowicz 1:01:13 1:05:54 1:16:42 2:03:35 scratch scratch
Yuri Bahti 07:08 22:24 scratch scratch scratch scratch
Name Patagonia Kentucky Camp Colossal Cave Tucson Summerhaven Oracle

Second Half Leaderboard

NameGila RiverSuperiorRoosevelt LakePaysonFlagstaffSouth RimNorth RimUtah
Aaron Gulley scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch
Aleck MacKinnon scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch
Andy Stevenson scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch
Brad Kee 2:21:41 3:09:19
Brad Mattingly scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch
Dave Harris scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch
Eric Foster scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch
Erick Lord 3:09:09 3:23:52
Jamil Coury scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch
JC Cullen scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch
Jill Hueckman scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch
Joseph Meiser scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch
Kurt Refsnider scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch
Lynda Wallenfels 2:15:30 3:04:38
Marshal Bird scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch
Matt Fusco 3:04:42 scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch
Matt Ruscigno scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch
Max Morris 3:06:14 4:00:30 5:05:29 6:01:01 8:10:57 11:06:33 13:01:45 14:04:09
Michael Szerszunowicz scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch
Yuri Bahti scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch
Name Gila River Superior Roosevelt Lake Payson Flagstaff South Rim North Rim Utah

Time format: days:hours:minutes. Note that all times are computed from SPOT points and are best estimates only.

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