
Arizona Trail Race Live Tracker

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Race clock = 15:08:03

NamePatagoniaMaderaColossal CaveTucsonSummerhavenOracleGila River
Kurt Refsnider 04:57 10:14 21:42 1:00:29 1:10:08 1:15:58 2:05:15
Adam Lederer 21:49 21:49 1:08:16 1:11:15 scratch scratch scratch
Brad Kee 10:11 23:53 1:08:25 1:11:04 2:08:25 2:22:17 3:12:37
Brendan Collier 07:13 1:01:20 1:09:12 1:12:02 scratch scratch scratch
Corey Moser 07:45 1:03:11 scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch
Dave See 07:29 scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch
Deanna Adams 11:49 scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch
Eric Nelson 07:12 19:10 scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch
Ian Corfe 08:10 1:05:04 2:09:46 2:13:17 4:08:16 5:08:56 6:13:43
Jackson Smith 07:11 1:03:20 1:09:59 2:00:42 3:03:28 scratch scratch
Jefe Branham 06:19 11:41 20:09 22:55 1:09:18 1:18:12 2:04:19
Lee Blackwell 07:44 1:02:09 1:09:19 1:11:51 2:09:56 3:08:59 4:07:12
Mary Reynolds 07:43 1:04:45 2:02:21 scratch scratch scratch scratch
Matt Fusco 09:43 1:00:06 1:09:57 1:11:06 2:07:41 2:22:08 3:12:39
Matt Gindlesparger 07:45 1:01:22 1:09:12 1:11:42 scratch scratch scratch
Peter Pfister scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch
Scott Morris 05:21 10:32 19:52 22:52 scratch scratch scratch
Tim McCabe 4:10:20 4:10:20 4:10:20 4:10:20 4:10:20 4:10:20 4:21:59
Randy Sooter 05:49 scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch
Rob Brinkerhoff 06:23 22:07 scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch
Taylor Lideen 05:29 scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch
Todd Johnson 06:22 19:19 1:07:01 1:11:42 2:07:00 2:22:18 3:13:24
Todd Tanner scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch
Name Patagonia Madera Colossal Cave Tucson Summerhaven Oracle Gila River
Kurt Refsnider 2009 05:18 11:15 19:05 22:35 1:10:08 1:23:51 2:10:18

Second Half Leaderboard

NameSuperiorRoosevelt LakePaysonFlagstaffSouth RimNorth RimUtah
Kurt Refsnider 2:09:13 3:03:18 3:08:37 5:03:43 6:00:49 6:21:12 7:05:02
Adam Lederer scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch
Brad Kee 3:20:04 4:20:20 5:12:54 scratch scratch scratch scratch
Brendan Collier scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch
Corey Moser scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch
Dave See scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch
Deanna Adams scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch
Eric Nelson scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch
Ian Corfe 7:03:04 9:01:23 9:12:03 13:07:02 scratch scratch scratch
Jackson Smith scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch
Jefe Branham 2:09:29
Lee Blackwell 4:13:22
Mary Reynolds scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch
Matt Fusco 3:19:51 5:03:55 5:12:52 scratch scratch scratch scratch
Matt Gindlesparger scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch
Peter Pfister scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch
Scott Morris scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch
Tim McCabe 5:04:31
Randy Sooter scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch
Rob Brinkerhoff scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch
Taylor Lideen scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch
Todd Johnson 3:20:23
Todd Tanner scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch
Name Superior Roosevelt Lake Payson Flagstaff South Rim North Rim Utah

Time format: days:hours:minutes. Note that all times are computed from SPOT points and are best estimates only.

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