
Yukon Arctic Ultra 2011 Tracker - Poh_Joo_Toh

Topo maps provided by

Show split-check locations

= A stop of more than four hours.

Age 42 from Singapore
Discipline - Foot

Poh Joo Toh - Last 10 points

Racer has scratched (dropped out)

#244 on Sat Feb 12 23:09:04 2011 (8 days, 21 hours, 45 minutes ago). 1.63 mi traveled at 9.6 mph
#243 on Sat Feb 12 22:58:55 2011 (8 days, 21 hours, 56 minutes ago). 8.47 mi traveled at 10.1 mph
#242 on Sat Feb 12 22:08:49 2011 (8 days, 22 hours, 46 minutes ago). 9 feet traveled at 0.0 mph
#241 on Sat Feb 12 21:58:50 2011 (8 days, 22 hours, 56 minutes ago). 7 feet traveled at 0.0 mph
#240 on Sat Feb 12 21:48:52 2011 (8 days, 23 hours, 6 minutes ago). 12 feet traveled at 0.0 mph
#239 on Sat Feb 12 21:28:50 2011 (8 days, 23 hours, 26 minutes ago). 11 feet traveled at 0.0 mph
#238 on Sat Feb 12 20:58:50 2011 (8 days, 23 hours, 56 minutes ago). 11 feet traveled at 0.0 mph
#237 on Sat Feb 12 20:48:50 2011 (9 days, 0 hours, 6 minutes ago). 7 feet traveled at 0.0 mph
#236 on Sat Feb 12 20:38:48 2011 (9 days, 0 hours, 16 minutes ago). 2 feet traveled at 0.0 mph
#235 on Sat Feb 12 20:29:20 2011 (9 days, 0 hours, 25 minutes ago). 15 feet traveled at 0.0 mph
#234 on Sat Feb 12 20:18:52 2011 (9 days, 0 hours, 36 minutes ago).

Checkpoint times

McCabe Creek6:03:14
Pelly Crossing6:12:39
Scroggie CRscratch
Dawson Cityscratch


Distance to next waypoint (Scroggie CR) = 108.90 miles
Estimated arrival time at Scroggie CR = Thu Feb 24 18:56:04 2011 (2:22:01 from now)
At mile 243.6 of race route, route average speed = 1.6 mph
Route miles per day = 37.3
SPOT distance = 173.90 miles, SPOT Average speed = 1.11 mph

Speed plot:

(x-axis = miles)

Speed vs time plot:

(x-axis = time in hours)