
Texas Water Safari Live Tracker

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Race clock = 89:13:20

NameFM 1977 (Staples Dam)Luling 90Palmetto BridgeGonzalez 183Hochheim 183Cheapside BridgeCuero 236
3-Yonley 02:23 05:33 09:23 12:23 17:23 21:03 22:34
9-El Gato Loco 03:40 07:09 11:19 16:42 23:37 1:04:51 1:07:51
21-Pete Binion 03:28 07:07 11:17 17:07 1:00:41 1:04:41 1:07:16
60-La Tortuga 32:22:56 32:22:56
67-Fuzzy 03:23 08:14 11:04 19:03
69-Horny Toads 03:23 07:32 11:52 17:32 1:01:30 1:05:47 1:08:21
80-Cochran 02:19 05:31 08:09 11:37 16:17 19:27 21:59
97-Guad Squad 02:38 06:19 09:47 14:36 20:47 1:01:16 1:04:08
107-Bugge 09:19 09:19 09:46 14:06 20:06 23:56 1:02:06
122-Mynar 02:58 05:48 09:05 12:55 17:45
167-Daniels 03:09 07:29 11:40 17:26 1:01:58 1:07:07 1:09:47
314-Andrew Stephens 04:29 05:29 1:06:24 1:06:24 1:06:24 1:06:24 1:06:24
408-R. Linden 1:09:45 1:09:45 1:09:45 1:09:45 1:10:48 2:02:21 32:22:10
497-Erin 1:14:04 1:14:04 1:14:04 1:14:04 1:14:04 1:14:04 1:14:04
520-Fist of Fury 02:42 06:17 09:57 14:06 20:16 1:00:11 1:01:58
535-Rendon 1 02:40 1:22:35 1:22:35 1:22:35 1:22:35 1:22:35 1:22:35
535-Asleep at the Keel 02:40 06:37 09:27 13:18 18:57 23:00 1:01:02
565-Ford C1 03:30 09:00 14:30 22:58 1:08:26 1:13:34 1:21:23
746-Natalie & Virginia 03:20 07:59 11:59 17:59 1:01:23 1:06:24 1:09:21
1123-Team Chinook 03:19 07:48 12:18 22:10 1:05:19 1:10:38 1:13:38
1300-D.Horse y H. Paddleos
1459-Hansen 02:41 06:38 10:20 14:48 20:18 1:00:17 12:20:05
1969-Hippie Chicks 02:51 06:51 11:01 15:50 22:12 1:02:52 1:05:42
5311-Team Paddlefish 03:49 08:10 13:59 20:39 1:05:08 1:11:17 1:13:57
5855-Team Makai - Kohut 03:11 06:58 10:39 15:48 22:48 1:02:56 1:05:45
7018-Canot a Trois 02:29 05:50 09:07 13:27 19:07 23:11 1:01:34
Name FM 1977 (Staples Dam) Luling 90 Palmetto Bridge Gonzalez 183 Hochheim 183 Cheapside Bridge Cuero 236

Second Half Leaderboard

NameVictoria CityInvista PlantSalt Water BarrierSeadrift (Finish)
3-Yonley 1:04:06 1:08:27 1:11:25 1:13:55
9-El Gato Loco 2:00:40 2:00:40 2:05:27 2:21:45
21-Pete Binion 1:15:19 1:23:36 2:06:38 3:03:09
60-La Tortuga
69-Horny Toads 1:15:39 1:22:37 2:03:26 2:09:37
80-Cochran 1:01:59 1:06:08 1:08:58 1:11:08
97-Guad Squad 1:09:46 1:15:19 2:00:41 2:07:31
107-Bugge 1:07:57
167-Daniels 1:17:18 1:23:47 2:04:07 2:21:36
314-Andrew Stephens 1:06:24 1:06:24 1:07:44 1:10:43
408-R. Linden 44:10:22 44:10:22 44:10:22 44:10:22
497-Erin 1:14:04 2:00:36 2:07:32
520-Fist of Fury 1:07:38 1:12:27 1:22:43 2:10:25
535-Rendon 1 1:22:35 1:22:35 1:22:35 1:22:35
535-Asleep at the Keel 1:06:51 1:11:30 1:15:20
565-Ford C1 2:06:27 2:13:42 2:20:11 3:03:31
746-Natalie & Virginia 1:17:10 2:00:47 2:07:36 2:22:18
1123-Team Chinook 2:03:31 2:10:51 2:19:01 3:03:49
1300-D.Horse y H. Paddleos
1969-Hippie Chicks 1:12:52 1:20:31 2:04:30 2:21:54
5311-Team Paddlefish 1:23:14 2:05:54 2:11:04 3:01:00
5855-Team Makai - Kohut 1:12:34 1:20:35 2:03:49 2:12:29
7018-Canot a Trois 1:07:01 1:12:01 1:15:51 1:22:42
Name Victoria City Invista Plant Salt Water Barrier Seadrift (Finish)

Time format: days:hours:minutes. Note that all times are computed from SPOT points and are best estimates only.

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