
Race to the Sky Tracker - Jenny_Greger

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Show split-check locations

= A stop of more than four hours.

Bib #21
From Bozeman, MT

Jenny Greger - Last 10 points

Racer has finished.

#120 on Mon Feb 14 10:03:44 2011 (7 days, 11 hours, 56 minutes ago). 84 feet traveled at 0.1 mph
#119 on Mon Feb 14 09:53:44 2011 (7 days, 12 hours, 6 minutes ago). 23 feet traveled at 0.0 mph
#118 on Mon Feb 14 09:42:18 2011 (7 days, 12 hours, 17 minutes ago). 0 feet traveled at 0.0 mph
#117 on Mon Feb 14 09:32:18 2011 (7 days, 12 hours, 27 minutes ago). 35 feet traveled at 0.0 mph
#116 on Mon Feb 14 09:23:58 2011 (7 days, 12 hours, 36 minutes ago). 31 feet traveled at 0.0 mph
#115 on Mon Feb 14 09:12:35 2011 (7 days, 12 hours, 47 minutes ago). 0 feet traveled at 0.0 mph
#114 on Mon Feb 14 09:02:35 2011 (7 days, 12 hours, 57 minutes ago). 11 feet traveled at 0.0 mph
#113 on Mon Feb 14 08:52:36 2011 (7 days, 13 hours, 7 minutes ago). 2 feet traveled at 0.0 mph
#112 on Mon Feb 14 08:42:18 2011 (7 days, 13 hours, 17 minutes ago). 10 feet traveled at 0.0 mph
#111 on Mon Feb 14 08:32:22 2011 (7 days, 13 hours, 27 minutes ago). 8 feet traveled at 0.0 mph
#110 on Mon Feb 14 08:22:19 2011 (7 days, 13 hours, 37 minutes ago).

Checkpoint times

Stage 1 Finish03:14
White Tail Ranch16:32
Seeley Lake CP20:42
Seeley Lake CP21:02
White Tail Ranch
Lincoln - Finish Stage 2


Distance to next waypoint (White Tail Ranch) = 27.28 miles
Estimated arrival time at White Tail Ranch = Tue Feb 22 06:30:10 2011 (08:30 from now)
SPOT distance = 66.26 miles, SPOT Average speed = 3.21 mph

Speed plot:

(x-axis = miles)

Speed vs time plot:

(x-axis = time in hours)