Trackleaders Trail tracking

Long distance trails like the Appalachian Trail and the Continental Divide Trail are national treasures and the backbone of the United States trailsystem. Thru-trips on trails can take as long as six months, and yet the SPOT share page only stores history for 7 days!
Trackleaders has set up general purpose trackers that are open and free (donations accepted, if you like the service) to anyone traveling these trails, whether you are only out for a few days or are going for the whole enchilada. Grab attention for your trip or simply join the trail community with your SPOT (or Delorme) device.
Key advantages
- No limit on history points - gone is the seven (or thirty) day limit on points - record your entire thru-trip!
- Route overlay - instead of a blank google map, our maps have route overlays, so friend and family can see
- See where others are on the trail
- Privacy options available - ask us
Current Trackers
We have trackers set up for the following trails, with more to come!Appalachian Trail
Continental Divide Trail
Great Divide Mountain Bike Route
Arizona Trail
Pacific Crest Trail
Pacific Northwest Trail
Te Araroa Trail
Colorado Trail
Baja Divide
Western Wildlands
If you would like to be a part of any of these trackers, please fill out the following form. IMPORTANT: After submitting your info please send us an email at to let us know you've added your info. We'll get you online and tracking.
Bikepackers: Please do not sign up for a long trail tracker here if you are participating in an event or race (such as Tour Divide on the GDMBR, or CTR on the Colorado Trail). These events have separate signup pages and they are NOT linked here on Please check the event website or contact the organizer for the tracking sign-up link. Sorry about the inconvenience.
Don't see your trail here? Drop us a note!