Welcome to the Trackleaders live tracking experience.
The basic function is to show last known positions of tracking devices over a live map, including route and/or race specific information and analysis. Individual Runners are represented by icons on the map. Click on the icons for more information on that Runner. A sidebar gives a list of all Runners with zoom controls and links to individual tracking history pages.
A few tips:

Don't Panic: No news is good news. Just because a tracker hasn't reported a new point recently does not mean anything is wrong. Trackers will stop transmitting when stopped, if batteries die or for a number of other reasons. Stay calm and keep checking for updates.

Note that all times are computed from SPOT points and are UNOFFICIAL, best estimates only.
Race flow is a graph of racers progress along the route over time. The x-axis is time and the y-axis is miles covered. You can use this plot to visualize the flow of the race. Some examples of things to look for:
San Juan Seven Troutman InFINitely Loop 2024

On Monday, August 19, I'll head off on the most audacious run/fish outing ever undertaken in what I'm calling the San Juan Seven Troutman InFINitely Loop. In short, I'lll be trying to run/fish/beer seven consecutive, interconnected Troutmen (Troutman explainer) covering 230+ self-supported miles through Colorado n's San Juan Mountains in a week. Yes, I'm doing this for fun and fitness, adventure and aspiration, but, importantly, to raise funds for native fish ecosystem restoration and conservation. If youn're inspired by the cause or the undertaking, please consider making a donation here: https://www.flipcause.com/secure/fundraiser/MjAxNzg0/99705
Powered by SPOT satellite trackers:
Learn more: findmespot.com
Interested in a SPOT tracker for your race, event or trip? We'd love to hear from you.