Welcome to the Trackleaders live tracking experience.
The basic function is to show last known positions of tracking devices over a live map, including route and/or race specific information and analysis. Individual Teams are represented by icons on the map. Click on the icons for more information on that Team. A sidebar gives a list of all Teams with zoom controls and links to individual tracking history pages.
A few tips:

Don't Panic: No news is good news. Just because a tracker hasn't reported a new point recently does not mean anything is wrong. Trackers will stop transmitting when stopped, if batteries die or for a number of other reasons. Stay calm and keep checking for updates.


Note that all times are computed from SPOT points and are UNOFFICIAL, best estimates only.
Course : Category:
Race flow is a graph of racers progress along the route over time. The x-axis is time and the y-axis is miles covered. You can use this plot to visualize the flow of the race. Some examples of things to look for:
█████ 300 - 267.7 mi
█████ 100 - 93.8 mi
Start Time: 02:00:00 PM (MST) 02/11/23
Start Time: 02:00:00 PM (MST) 02/11/23
Start Time: 02:00:00 PM (MST) 02/11/23
Faded Icon = Last Point more than 30 minutes old.
Race to the Sky 2023

A multi-distance (300 and 100 mile) dog sled race in Northern Montana.
Powered by SPOT satellite trackers:
Learn more: findmespot.com
Interested in a SPOT tracker for your race, event or trip? We'd love to hear from you.