Welcome to the Trackleaders live tracking experience.
The basic function is to show last known positions of tracking devices over a live map, including route and/or race specific information and analysis. Individual Riders are represented by icons on the map. Click on the icons for more information on that Rider. A sidebar gives a list of all Riders with zoom controls and links to individual tracking history pages.
A few tips:

Don't Panic: No news is good news. Just because a tracker hasn't reported a new point recently does not mean anything is wrong. Trackers will stop transmitting when stopped, if batteries die or for a number of other reasons. Stay calm and keep checking for updates.

All Riders (285)
Riders by Category (1)
Main (285)
Toby Willis
Nicky Shaw
Mikko Makipaa
Nick Philpott
Stuart James
Emily Chappell
Andreas Wittkemper
Matt Ryan
Erwin Argyl
Stephane Ouaja
Gary MacGowan
Paula Regener
Jim Anquez
Ian To
Stuart Forrest
Yves Conen
Robert Ferri
Enrico de Angeli
Wendy Montgomery
Thomas Chateau
Mathias Dalgas
Thomas Ettema
Matthijs Ligt
Bjorn Lenhard
Huseyin Gokdai
Ian Walker
Lee Pearce
Tom Van Leeuwen
Andrea Polo
Patrick Miette
Roger Seaton
Sonke Meyer
Arron Hodder
Gareth Baines
Alberto Vaghi
Martin Tonkov
Lea Meszarosova
Hans-Jurgen Schmitz-Rech
Marin de Saint-Exupery
Andrew Osborne
Amelia Ashton-Jones
Tim Hull-Bailey
Stephen Haines
Douglas Migden
Simon Bottomley
Sean Morrison
Didier Matteoda
Calvin O'Keeffe
Torsten Frank
Wiesia Kuczaj
Eric Kampherbeek
Paul Toigo
Silviu Martin
Shusanah Pillinger
Jonas Goy
Simon Infanger
Denis Recazens
Massimiliano Fancoli
Eric Fraser
Sebastian Vagnkjaer
Walter Reiterer
Andrea Galanti
Pedro Leandro Correia
Rob Walker
Michael Rust
Michael Wacker
Liam Hendry
Meharpal 'Raju' Sangra
James Hayden
Mohamed El Alami
David Sherrington
Robert Charbonnier
Jason Lawrence
Nelson Trees
Jonah Jones
Sjoerd Witjes
Jeff Liu
Samuli Makinen
Terry Jones
Alex Bend
Turloch O Siochain
Levente Bagoly
Mark Hugaerts
Eric Dol
Caroline Item
Dragan Mladenovic
Geoffroy Dussault
Matthew Kimber
Max Kraus
Bertrand Nerincx
Timothy Maundrell
Josh Cunningham
Mark Charles
Martin Nilsson
Martian Cioana
Chris Davies
Mao Pong 'Steven' Hon
Bruno De Naeyer
Marc Pharoah
Stuart McCormick
Rowan McMurray
Matthieu Lifschitz
Andy Buchs
Daniel Johansson
Giorsio Raboen
Derek Boocock
Ben Snodin
Michael Welker
Saulius Vizbaras
Jean Baptiste Le Van
Zygmunt Kulczyna
Eric Spencer
Bart Verheijen
Krisjanis Jansons-Ratiniks
Mike Israel
Michal Hampl
Boarnici Florian Marius
Jesko von Werthern
Miroslav Vazik
Rimas Grigenas
Joel Oliveira
David Coulon
Robert Carlier
Colin James
Scott Wilkins
Andy Sallnow
Tom Probert
Cesare Pedrini
Andrew Waddington
John Love
Greg Moore
Rui Rodrigues
Andis Aboltins
Stuart Birnie
Adrian Phillipson
Jim Cameron
Joan Carrillo
Christoph Fuhrbach
Michal Durec
Markku Leppala
Kurt Edmonds
Fabian Rabe
Rishi Fox
Christopher Jobmann
Matthew Falconer
Boissonneau Sebastien
Hansi Nyfeler
Ingeborg Dybdal Oie
Rene Bonn
Pete Robson
George Bennett
Paul Pritchard
Zlatimira Petrova
Tom Searby
Craig Dolwin
Josie Jones
Stefano Cento Bressan
Urs Arnold Kutschera
Lamri Adjis
William Dunk
Maxime Barat
Avni Berk Okyay
Frank Simons
Ive Weygers
Hector Outeiral Nunez
Olivier Bois
Ben Clay
Mark Newton
Daniil Krapivin
Mostyn Brown
Robert Mercer
Daniel Brayson
Lee Hale
Mark Schmid
Sergio Lopez
Mathias Berger
Anisa Aubin
Rory McCarron
Daragh Browne
Janne Villikka
Eachann Gillies
Jakob Dieckmann
Jochem Baars
Jean-michel Rivoire
Soon Aik Wee
Ben Davies
Grace Lambert-Smith
Dan Massie
Teemu Vasara
Henry Kratke
Goran Arsovski
Abigail Connor
Heikki Tanskanen
Tim Naert
Erik Ringqvist
Oliver Bieri
Frank Thies
Norbert Muench
Peter Boynton
Oliver Monaghan-Coombs
Eleanor Jaskowska
Rishabh Malhotra
Janis Viskers
Erwan Bouguennec
Liam Glen
George Cordal
Mannix Michael Daniel O'Boyle
Ben Delaney
Simon Sramek
Fraser Hughes
Enric Burgstaller
Innes Ogilvie
Paul Galea
Tina Nestoroska
Chantal Coolsma
James Juneyt Dennis
Christian Fichter
Karen Tostee
Alexandre Le Roux
Jenny Tough
Jakub Dvorak
Riccardo Oltolini
Melissa Pritchard
Isobel Jobling
Timothy France
Ismail Arkan
Yusuf Akkus
Abigail Kerr
Duncan Birtwistle
Aedewan Adnan
Danial Mokhtar
Alberto Pugno-Vanoni
Paolo Della Sala
Alex Bystrov
Denis Astakhov
Anders Syvertsen
Eivind Tandrevold
Charles Christiansen
Nico Deportago-Cabrera
Colin Mah
Jeremy Mah
Daniel Nicolas
Guillermo Nicolas Munoz
Daniel Welch
Mike Cannon
Emilian Sadowski
Pawel Pulawski
Felix Burkhardt
Peter Leichsenring
Gavin Peacock
Jo Burt
Giorgio Zampedri
Luciano Margoni
Ian Tosh
Neil Lauder
Ilse van der Schans
Louis van Ekeren
Jochen Leissner
Tina Friess
Joe Selby
Jonny Gallimore
Kevin Cunniffe
Matthew Cockerham
Leonidas Mathioudis
Stylianos Kerkentzes
Miguel Vilacha
Tomas Labanc
Mindaugas Rudis
Vytenis Aleliunas
Ovidiu Nodea
Viorel Piciu
Paolo Botti
Stefano Mantegazza
Peter Vancampenhout
Tobias Vandermeersch
Richard Williams
William Scott Moncrieff
Sina Witte
Victor Decouard
Dimitris Mavropoulos
Orestis Kapetanopoulos
Angela Walker
Julie Bullen
Juju's Car
Jacapo's Car
Riders by Status (3)
Active (3)
Finished (147)
Mikko Makipaa
Matt Ryan
Stephane Ouaja
Paula Regener
Ian To
Wendy Montgomery
Thomas Chateau
Mathias Dalgas
Bjorn Lenhard
Ian Walker
Lee Pearce
Andrea Polo
Patrick Miette
Sonke Meyer
Arron Hodder
Alberto Vaghi
Martin Tonkov
Lea Meszarosova
Hans-Jurgen Schmitz-Rech
Marin de Saint-Exupery
Stephen Haines
Douglas Migden
Simon Bottomley
Didier Matteoda
Wiesia Kuczaj
Eric Kampherbeek
Silviu Martin
Jonas Goy
Simon Infanger
Denis Recazens
Massimiliano Fancoli
Andrea Galanti
Pedro Leandro Correia
Michael Wacker
James Hayden
David Sherrington
Nelson Trees
Jeff Liu
Samuli Makinen
Turloch O Siochain
Levente Bagoly
Caroline Item
Dragan Mladenovic
Geoffroy Dussault
Max Kraus
Bertrand Nerincx
Timothy Maundrell
Mark Charles
Martin Nilsson
Martian Cioana
Mao Pong 'Steven' Hon
Daniel Johansson
Giorsio Raboen
Ben Snodin
Zygmunt Kulczyna
Bart Verheijen
Krisjanis Jansons-Ratiniks
Michal Hampl
Boarnici Florian Marius
Rimas Grigenas
David Coulon
Robert Carlier
Colin James
Scott Wilkins
Cesare Pedrini
Rui Rodrigues
Stuart Birnie
Joan Carrillo
Christoph Fuhrbach
Michal Durec
Markku Leppala
Fabian Rabe
Matthew Falconer
Ingeborg Dybdal Oie
Pete Robson
George Bennett
Paul Pritchard
Zlatimira Petrova
Tom Searby
Craig Dolwin
Josie Jones
Lamri Adjis
William Dunk
Maxime Barat
Avni Berk Okyay
Hector Outeiral Nunez
Ben Clay
Mostyn Brown
Daniel Brayson
Sergio Lopez
Anisa Aubin
Rory McCarron
Daragh Browne
Janne Villikka
Jean-michel Rivoire
Soon Aik Wee
Ben Davies
Dan Massie
Goran Arsovski
Tim Naert
Oliver Bieri
Norbert Muench
Oliver Monaghan-Coombs
Janis Viskers
Simon Sramek
Fraser Hughes
Enric Burgstaller
Tina Nestoroska
Chantal Coolsma
Karen Tostee
Alexandre Le Roux
Jakub Dvorak
Riccardo Oltolini
Melissa Pritchard
Timothy France
Abigail Kerr
Duncan Birtwistle
Alberto Pugno-Vanoni
Denis Astakhov
Anders Syvertsen
Eivind Tandrevold
Daniel Nicolas
Guillermo Nicolas Munoz
Pawel Pulawski
Giorgio Zampedri
Luciano Margoni
Ian Tosh
Neil Lauder
Joe Selby
Jonny Gallimore
Leonidas Mathioudis
Stylianos Kerkentzes
Miguel Vilacha
Tomas Labanc
Mindaugas Rudis
Vytenis Aleliunas
Ovidiu Nodea
Peter Vancampenhout
Richard Williams
Sina Witte
Victor Decouard
Dimitris Mavropoulos
Orestis Kapetanopoulos
Angela Walker
Julie Bullen
Juju's Car
Jacapo's Car
Scratched (135)
Toby Willis
Nicky Shaw
Nick Philpott
Stuart James
Emily Chappell
Andreas Wittkemper
Erwin Argyl
Gary MacGowan
Jim Anquez
Stuart Forrest
Yves Conen
Robert Ferri
Enrico de Angeli
Thomas Ettema
Matthijs Ligt
Huseyin Gokdai
Tom Van Leeuwen
Roger Seaton
Gareth Baines
Andrew Osborne
Amelia Ashton-Jones
Tim Hull-Bailey
Sean Morrison
Calvin O'Keeffe
Torsten Frank
Paul Toigo
Shusanah Pillinger
Eric Fraser
Sebastian Vagnkjaer
Walter Reiterer
Rob Walker
Liam Hendry
Meharpal 'Raju' Sangra
Mohamed El Alami
Robert Charbonnier
Jason Lawrence
Jonah Jones
Sjoerd Witjes
Terry Jones
Alex Bend
Mark Hugaerts
Eric Dol
Matthew Kimber
Josh Cunningham
Chris Davies
Bruno De Naeyer
Marc Pharoah
Stuart McCormick
Rowan McMurray
Matthieu Lifschitz
Andy Buchs
Derek Boocock
Michael Welker
Saulius Vizbaras
Jean Baptiste Le Van
Eric Spencer
Mike Israel
Jesko von Werthern
Miroslav Vazik
Joel Oliveira
Andy Sallnow
Tom Probert
Andrew Waddington
John Love
Greg Moore
Andis Aboltins
Adrian Phillipson
Jim Cameron
Kurt Edmonds
Rishi Fox
Christopher Jobmann
Boissonneau Sebastien
Hansi Nyfeler
Rene Bonn
Stefano Cento Bressan
Urs Arnold Kutschera
Ive Weygers
Olivier Bois
Mark Newton
Daniil Krapivin
Robert Mercer
Lee Hale
Mark Schmid
Mathias Berger
Eachann Gillies
Jakob Dieckmann
Jochem Baars
Grace Lambert-Smith
Teemu Vasara
Henry Kratke
Abigail Connor
Heikki Tanskanen
Erik Ringqvist
Frank Thies
Peter Boynton
Eleanor Jaskowska
Rishabh Malhotra
Erwan Bouguennec
Liam Glen
George Cordal
Mannix Michael Daniel O'Boyle
Ben Delaney
Innes Ogilvie
Paul Galea
James Juneyt Dennis
Christian Fichter
Jenny Tough
Isobel Jobling
Ismail Arkan
Yusuf Akkus
Aedewan Adnan
Danial Mokhtar
Paolo Della Sala
Alex Bystrov
Charles Christiansen
Nico Deportago-Cabrera
Colin Mah
Jeremy Mah
Mike Cannon
Emilian Sadowski
Felix Burkhardt
Peter Leichsenring
Gavin Peacock
Jo Burt
Ilse van der Schans
Louis van Ekeren
Jochen Leissner
Tina Friess
Kevin Cunniffe
Matthew Cockerham
Viorel Piciu
Paolo Botti
Stefano Mantegazza
Tobias Vandermeersch
William Scott Moncrieff
Map Layers
Speed: x FollowCategory:
Speed: x Follow

Name | Distance to Finish | Category | Last Update | Control Point 1 | Control Point 2 | Control Point 3 | Control Point 4 | Finish |
Mikko Makipaa | N/A | Main | 28:07:02 | 1:18:23 | 3:23:11 | 7:15:12 | 10:22:29 | |
Matt Ryan | N/A | Main | 29:06:07 | 1:12:35 | 3:02:09 | 7:00:38 | 9:23:05 | 13:20:26 |
Stephane Ouaja | N/A | Main | 31:20:42 | 1:12:19 | 2:20:23 | 5:21:34 | 8:01:03 | 11:05:56 |
Paula Regener | N/A | Main | 27:07:42 | 1:22:48 | 4:09:44 | 7:23:06 | 10:15:39 | 15:17:48 |
Ian To | N/A | Main | 31:06:16 | 1:03:14 | 2:13:39 | 4:23:38 | 8:14:50 | 11:19:54 |
Wendy Montgomery | N/A | Main | 23:02:19 | 2:07:24 | 5:19:44 | 11:13:56 | 15:16:43 | 20:00:09 |
Thomas Chateau | N/A | Main | 25:05:55 | 2:09:54 | 4:15:48 | 8:18:55 | 13:02:21 | 17:20:43 |
Mathias Dalgas | N/A | Main | 31:04:44 | 1:01:58 | 2:14:21 | 5:07:04 | 7:19:01 | 11:21:32 |
Bjorn Lenhard | N/A | Main | 33:12:46 | 1:00:41 | 2:08:55 | 4:17:24 | 6:18:35 | |
Ian Walker | N/A | Main | 30:03:43 | 1:11:13 | 3:00:51 | 6:09:58 | 8:21:44 | |
Lee Pearce | N/A | Main | 30:07:01 | 4:06:08 | 4:06:08 | 6:20:30 | 9:13:23 | 12:19:32 |
Andrea Polo | N/A | Main | 27:05:48 | 2:00:20 | 4:02:05 | 8:12:29 | 11:12:53 | |
Patrick Miette | N/A | Main | 30:07:36 | 1:14:48 | 3:13:55 | 6:21:05 | 9:15:33 | 12:18:57 |
Sonke Meyer | N/A | Main | 29:23:51 | 1:08:26 | 2:23:48 | 6:03:26 | 9:00:56 | 13:02:27 |
Arron Hodder | N/A | Main | 26:14:25 | 1:20:48 | 4:11:57 | 8:12:47 | 11:13:07 | 16:12:03 |
Alberto Vaghi | N/A | Main | 28:07:37 | 2:00:05 | 3:21:18 | 7:22:02 | 10:22:48 | |
Martin Tonkov | N/A | Main | 26:12:19 | 2:07:03 | 4:04:39 | 8:13:05 | 11:13:57 | 16:11:06 |
Lea Meszarosova | N/A | Main | 27:05:28 | 2:08:48 | 4:07:45 | 8:16:52 | 11:15:19 | 15:21:00 |
Hans-Jurgen Schmitz-Rech | N/A | Main | 27:14:47 | 1:16:51 | 3:17:32 | 7:21:18 | 10:22:25 | 14:19:52 |
Marin de Saint-Exupery | N/A | Main | 28:06:35 | 1:18:04 | 3:13:59 | 7:02:12 | 9:20:37 | 14:19:48 |
Stephen Haines | N/A | Main | 29:19:07 | 1:20:31 | 3:17:03 | 6:16:44 | 9:18:47 | 13:07:25 |
Douglas Migden | N/A | Main | 26:19:29 | 1:23:55 | 4:09:04 | 8:20:23 | 12:10:56 | 16:06:44 |
Simon Bottomley | N/A | Main | 28:20:37 | 1:15:42 | 3:16:10 | 6:21:40 | 9:20:19 | 14:06:02 |
Didier Matteoda | N/A | Main | 31:00:22 | 1:12:57 | 3:10:17 | 6:13:19 | 8:20:11 | 12:01:41 |
Wiesia Kuczaj | N/A | Main | 10:02:16 | 3:14:53 | 7:11:42 | 13:20:21 | 17:18:30 | 23:02:38 |
Eric Kampherbeek | N/A | Main | 26:06:38 | 1:19:43 | 5:14:55 | 9:16:49 | 12:15:18 | 16:18:54 |
Silviu Martin | N/A | Main | 25:07:07 | 2:03:50 | 4:17:41 | 8:16:59 | 11:15:25 | 17:19:03 |
Jonas Goy | N/A | Main | 33:04:42 | 0:23:27 | 2:12:01 | 4:20:58 | 7:03:00 | 9:21:51 |
Simon Infanger | N/A | Main | 28:07:50 | 2:12:23 | 4:00:55 | 7:21:45 | 11:11:08 | |
Denis Recazens | N/A | Main | 26:13:53 | 1:21:53 | 3:14:02 | 8:10:42 | 12:11:05 | |
Massimiliano Fancoli | N/A | Main | 30:10:41 | 1:18:04 | 3:11:14 | 6:15:52 | 8:22:01 | 12:14:54 |
Andrea Galanti | N/A | Main | 27:05:51 | 2:02:40 | 4:09:43 | 8:10:06 | 11:15:49 | |
Pedro Leandro Correia | N/A | Main | 22:11:13 | 2:03:20 | 5:20:58 | 11:11:59 | 15:10:55 | 20:15:25 |
Michael Wacker | N/A | Main | 30:03:45 | 1:13:11 | 3:02:50 | 6:19:29 | 9:19:33 | 12:22:33 |
James Hayden | N/A | Main | 34:01:44 | 1:08:28 | 2:14:04 | 4:18:20 | 6:15:06 | 8:23:15 |
David Sherrington | N/A | Main | 27:09:26 | 2:08:18 | 4:07:09 | 8:12:09 | 13:23:42 | 15:12:29 |
Nelson Trees | N/A | Main | 32:06:09 | 1:03:43 | 2:15:35 | 5:13:01 | 7:14:21 | 10:20:24 |
Jeff Liu | N/A | Main | 28:03:32 | 1:21:43 | 3:22:52 | 8:01:45 | 11:09:58 | 14:22:52 |
Samuli Makinen | N/A | Main | 31:12:48 | 1:13:13 | 3:11:54 | 6:11:58 | 8:19:58 | 11:13:36 |
Turloch O Siochain | N/A | Main | 27:04:27 | 1:18:07 | 4:07:41 | 8:15:40 | 11:12:41 | 15:19:41 |
Levente Bagoly | N/A | Main | 30:11:43 | 1:20:06 | 3:11:17 | 6:08:04 | 8:13:31 | 12:14:51 |
Caroline Item | N/A | Main | 23:10:15 | 1:22:10 | 4:17:06 | 9:17:55 | 13:22:23 | 18:22:37 |
Dragan Mladenovic | N/A | Main | 28:23:30 | 1:17:14 | 3:15:12 | 7:04:30 | 10:07:42 | 14:02:44 |
Geoffroy Dussault | N/A | Main | 33:02:32 | 0:22:49 | 2:13:41 | 5:11:32 | 7:19:11 | 10:00:01 |
Max Kraus | N/A | Main | 28:00:32 | 1:17:44 | 3:12:22 | 7:14:42 | 10:15:52 | 14:22:53 |
Bertrand Nerincx | N/A | Main | 27:01:42 | 2:08:38 | 4:11:54 | 8:16:17 | 11:11:44 | 16:00:52 |
Timothy Maundrell | N/A | Main | 31:00:43 | 1:15:17 | 3:08:47 | 5:23:30 | 8:20:40 | 11:23:39 |
Mark Charles | N/A | Main | 27:06:47 | 2:07:07 | 4:00:57 | 8:11:04 | 11:03:12 | 15:19:51 |
Martin Nilsson | N/A | Main | 28:03:01 | 1:18:53 | 4:08:23 | 8:01:47 | 11:08:57 | 14:21:40 |
Martian Cioana | N/A | Main | 26:13:14 | 2:02:49 | 4:14:38 | 8:07:18 | 10:17:27 | 16:13:09 |
Mao Pong 'Steven' Hon | N/A | Main | 28:10:36 | 1:15:24 | 3:20:51 | 7:13:46 | 10:17:46 | 14:15:52 |
Daniel Johansson | N/A | Main | 30:05:45 | 1:12:53 | 3:14:07 | 6:17:36 | 9:12:41 | 12:20:53 |
Giorsio Raboen | N/A | Main | 28:23:42 | 1:22:53 | 3:23:43 | 7:11:37 | 10:04:58 | 14:01:58 |
Ben Snodin | N/A | Main | 30:00:53 | 1:17:33 | 3:16:36 | 7:02:39 | 9:19:43 | 13:01:41 |
Zygmunt Kulczyna | N/A | Main | 25:00:50 | 2:00:13 | 4:15:13 | 9:12:13 | 12:17:48 | 18:01:06 |
Bart Verheijen | N/A | Main | 28:13:54 | 2:00:49 | 3:23:15 | 7:19:57 | 10:15:39 | 14:12:26 |
Krisjanis Jansons-Ratiniks | N/A | Main | 30:14:16 | 1:14:44 | 3:03:48 | 9:22:23 | 9:22:23 | 12:11:55 |
Michal Hampl | N/A | Main | 29:10:29 | 1:21:10 | 3:16:51 | 7:09:55 | 10:07:43 | 13:14:40 |
Boarnici Florian Marius | N/A | Main | 27:05:23 | 2:13:12 | 4:16:53 | 8:15:10 | 11:12:03 | |
Rimas Grigenas | N/A | Main | 29:10:30 | 1:10:36 | 3:10:13 | 7:10:33 | 10:00:14 | |
David Coulon | N/A | Main | 10:23:33 | 2:23:22 | 7:21:16 | 14:13:23 | 19:19:52 | 30:18:25 |
Robert Carlier | N/A | Main | 32:02:05 | 1:10:46 | 2:19:13 | 5:17:34 | 7:22:51 | 11:00:02 |
Colin James | N/A | Main | 28:15:12 | 1:15:30 | 3:11:10 | 7:11:05 | 9:20:34 | 14:11:26 |
Scott Wilkins | N/A | Main | 28:12:15 | 1:18:10 | 3:20:04 | 7:22:50 | 10:16:13 | 14:12:19 |
Cesare Pedrini | N/A | Main | 22:11:55 | 1:22:04 | 4:17:17 | 10:02:11 | 14:00:25 | 18:19:01 |
Rui Rodrigues | N/A | Main | 26:14:21 | 1:20:26 | 4:10:30 | 8:11:07 | 12:04:04 | 16:12:17 |
Stuart Birnie | N/A | Main | 30:14:22 | 1:12:40 | 3:00:40 | 6:12:09 | 9:13:23 | |
Joan Carrillo | N/A | Main | 28:20:22 | 1:10:10 | 3:02:14 | 6:22:48 | 10:12:05 | 14:05:43 |
Christoph Fuhrbach | N/A | Main | 30:06:33 | 1:08:22 | 2:20:28 | 5:20:33 | 8:13:35 | 12:19:55 |
Michal Durec | N/A | Main | 24:21:28 | 2:03:49 | 4:17:27 | 9:22:39 | 13:21:13 | 18:03:54 |
Markku Leppala | N/A | Main | 30:12:06 | 1:13:12 | 3:13:17 | 6:20:19 | 9:19:28 | 12:14:32 |
Fabian Rabe | N/A | Main | 28:20:59 | 1:18:56 | 3:17:06 | 7:14:04 | 10:15:31 | 14:05:13 |
Matthew Falconer | N/A | Main | 32:05:52 | 1:02:30 | 2:19:33 | 5:21:20 | 8:01:36 | 10:20:31 |
Ingeborg Dybdal Oie | N/A | Main | 29:06:56 | 1:21:05 | 3:22:33 | 7:15:33 | 10:16:11 | 13:19:27 |
Pete Robson | N/A | Main | 26:04:43 | 2:04:18 | 4:16:31 | 8:16:15 | 12:00:08 | 16:21:45 |
George Bennett | N/A | Main | 28:17:19 | 1:15:34 | 3:15:04 | 7:14:55 | 10:14:09 | 13:22:32 |
Paul Pritchard | N/A | Main | 27:15:09 | 1:20:42 | 3:22:07 | 7:23:14 | 11:00:49 | 15:11:19 |
Zlatimira Petrova | N/A | Main | 22:07:40 | 2:00:26 | 4:15:24 | 9:22:42 | 13:21:15 | 18:03:56 |
Tom Searby | N/A | Main | 29:14:23 | 1:12:54 | 3:16:48 | 7:02:42 | 9:20:01 | 13:12:15 |
Craig Dolwin | N/A | Main | 26:05:16 | 1:23:35 | 4:01:49 | 9:09:52 | 12:15:24 | 16:19:24 |
Josie Jones | N/A | Main | 17:14:28 | 2:06:26 | 6:21:50 | 13:22:40 | 17:21:52 | 22:22:09 |
Lamri Adjis | N/A | Main | 27:07:49 | 1:23:51 | 4:06:16 | 8:11:14 | 11:10:41 | 15:18:49 |
William Dunk | N/A | Main | 29:02:16 | 2:00:00 | 4:02:09 | 7:20:36 | 10:16:47 | 14:00:17 |
Maxime Barat | N/A | Main | 29:06:15 | 1:16:09 | 3:13:29 | 6:22:23 | 9:13:51 | 13:19:52 |
Avni Berk Okyay | N/A | Main | 27:12:42 | 1:21:36 | 4:05:43 | 8:13:18 | 11:15:14 | 15:13:51 |
Frank Simons | N/A | Main | 42:21:42 | |||||
Hector Outeiral Nunez | N/A | Main | 16:15:52 | 3:12:52 | 7:23:07 | 13:20:59 | 17:21:00 | 22:21:47 |
Ben Clay | N/A | Main | 27:07:38 | 1:23:27 | 4:02:38 | 7:21:26 | 10:20:53 | 15:18:14 |
Mostyn Brown | N/A | Main | 28:23:56 | 1:21:10 | 4:00:21 | 7:13:59 | 10:13:55 | 14:02:32 |
Daniel Brayson | N/A | Main | 28:11:42 | 1:18:28 | 3:14:26 | 7:02:13 | 10:05:17 | 14:14:21 |
Sergio Lopez | N/A | Main | 26:16:57 | 2:02:09 | 4:12:14 | 8:14:55 | 12:12:57 | 16:08:57 |
Anisa Aubin | N/A | Main | 23:19:09 | 2:07:03 | 4:22:02 | 9:18:12 | 13:22:16 | 19:07:19 |
Rory McCarron | N/A | Main | 32:08:05 | 1:01:29 | 2:16:31 | 5:15:35 | 7:20:46 | 10:18:01 |
Daragh Browne | N/A | Main | 18:00:48 | 3:15:21 | 6:19:33 | 13:22:32 | 18:18:39 | 24:17:02 |
Janne Villikka | N/A | Main | 29:05:24 | 1:14:57 | 3:12:41 | 6:19:43 | 9:19:21 | 13:20:48 |
Jean-michel Rivoire | N/A | Main | 27:06:30 | 1:23:29 | 4:11:28 | 8:11:47 | 11:11:48 | |
Soon Aik Wee | N/A | Main | 23:08:40 | 1:22:54 | 4:21:02 | 10:16:13 | 14:14:56 | 19:17:19 |
Ben Davies | N/A | Main | 29:05:39 | 1:19:21 | 4:16:57 | 8:09:48 | 10:18:25 | 13:20:48 |
Dan Massie | N/A | Main | 29:18:33 | 1:07:10 | 3:02:09 | 7:02:26 | 9:20:14 | 13:07:47 |
Goran Arsovski | N/A | Main | 18:20:02 | 3:17:38 | 7:11:05 | 13:18:13 | 17:22:40 | 23:21:18 |
Tim Naert | N/A | Main | 30:12:00 | 1:14:20 | 3:10:20 | 6:17:16 | 9:10:11 | 12:14:34 |
Oliver Bieri | N/A | Main | 28:16:25 | 1:18:52 | 3:16:53 | 7:10:06 | 10:18:09 | |
Norbert Muench | N/A | Main | 27:01:16 | 1:18:55 | 3:21:07 | 7:22:59 | 11:11:05 | 16:01:18 |
Oliver Monaghan-Coombs | N/A | Main | 27:15:30 | 1:17:50 | 3:21:23 | 7:19:46 | 10:20:32 | 15:11:04 |
Janis Viskers | N/A | Main | 28:12:17 | 1:18:41 | 3:17:35 | 7:12:21 | 10:14:45 | 14:14:16 |
Simon Sramek | N/A | Main | 28:22:27 | 8:10:00 | 8:10:00 | 8:10:00 | 10:13:02 | 14:04:06 |
Fraser Hughes | N/A | Main | 26:14:28 | 1:17:37 | 3:22:24 | 8:13:07 | 11:16:44 | 16:12:00 |
Enric Burgstaller | N/A | Main | 25:02:13 | 2:11:00 | 4:15:24 | 8:16:43 | 12:15:24 | 17:16:57 |
Tina Nestoroska | N/A | Main | 20:00:21 | 3:17:35 | 7:11:28 | 13:19:08 | 17:20:26 | 22:23:02 |
Chantal Coolsma | N/A | Main | 23:06:50 | 1:20:21 | 4:17:14 | 10:18:25 | 14:08:47 | 19:19:14 |
Karen Tostee | N/A | Main | 29:05:46 | 1:12:20 | 3:08:35 | 6:22:06 | 9:19:01 | 13:20:47 |
Alexandre Le Roux | N/A | Main | 31:00:17 | 1:15:09 | 3:03:13 | 6:12:43 | 8:17:20 | 12:01:38 |
Jakub Dvorak | N/A | Main | 26:21:31 | 2:03:49 | 4:13:47 | 8:16:28 | 11:19:54 | 16:04:57 |
Riccardo Oltolini | N/A | Main | 22:08:34 | 2:17:07 | 5:15:04 | 11:11:39 | 15:13:24 | 20:16:44 |
Melissa Pritchard | N/A | Main | 30:01:07 | 1:10:49 | 3:00:26 | 6:16:32 | 9:14:28 | 13:01:31 |
Timothy France | N/A | Main | 29:22:05 | 1:14:38 | 3:13:37 | 6:20:46 | 9:23:31 | 13:04:29 |
Abigail Kerr | N/A | Main | 23:01:41 | 2:11:34 | 5:11:05 | 10:14:05 | 14:09:44 | 18:20:50 |
Duncan Birtwistle | N/A | Main | 22:15:24 | 2:11:33 | 4:22:01 | 10:14:04 | 14:09:42 | 18:20:50 |
Alberto Pugno-Vanoni | N/A | Main | 25:07:58 | 2:04:10 | 4:11:52 | 8:21:20 | 13:00:43 | 17:17:25 |
Denis Astakhov | N/A | Main | 26:13:17 | 2:03:57 | 4:15:43 | 8:10:17 | 10:18:19 | 16:13:11 |
Anders Syvertsen | N/A | Main | 28:12:54 | 1:19:26 | 3:19:38 | 7:12:51 | 10:11:50 | 13:21:07 |
Eivind Tandrevold | N/A | Main | 29:06:21 | 1:19:28 | 3:19:38 | 7:12:51 | 10:11:41 | |
Daniel Nicolas | N/A | Main | 25:14:19 | 2:07:58 | 4:10:18 | 8:16:55 | 12:19:26 | 17:11:52 |
Guillermo Nicolas Munoz | N/A | Main | 25:14:30 | 1:21:55 | 7:18:55 | 8:16:52 | 12:19:26 | 17:11:52 |
Pawel Pulawski | N/A | Main | 28:00:16 | 1:13:20 | 3:20:52 | 7:17:57 | 10:18:55 | 15:00:22 |
Giorgio Zampedri | N/A | Main | 26:00:19 | 2:02:48 | 4:09:31 | 8:16:48 | 11:20:04 | 17:02:09 |
Luciano Margoni | N/A | Main | 26:00:20 | 2:03:03 | 4:09:23 | 8:16:48 | 11:19:59 | 17:02:08 |
Ian Tosh | N/A | Main | 29:07:13 | 1:21:13 | 3:18:29 | 7:11:07 | 10:06:52 | 13:19:25 |
Neil Lauder | N/A | Main | 29:07:23 | 1:20:19 | 3:18:34 | 7:11:03 | 10:06:27 | 13:19:07 |
Joe Selby | N/A | Main | 28:09:25 | 1:22:42 | 4:04:59 | 7:22:43 | 10:16:13 | 14:16:30 |
Jonny Gallimore | N/A | Main | 28:10:04 | 1:22:36 | 4:04:59 | 7:22:36 | 10:15:54 | 14:16:29 |
Leonidas Mathioudis | N/A | Main | 26:14:19 | 1:21:27 | 4:03:16 | 8:01:50 | 11:15:38 | 16:12:15 |
Stylianos Kerkentzes | N/A | Main | 26:14:08 | 1:20:55 | 4:03:18 | 8:01:46 | 11:15:37 | 16:12:19 |
Miguel Vilacha | N/A | Main | 28:23:56 | 1:21:13 | 4:01:08 | 7:20:04 | 10:16:48 | 14:02:13 |
Tomas Labanc | N/A | Main | 28:23:56 | 1:19:44 | 4:01:08 | 7:20:04 | 10:16:48 | 14:02:13 |
Mindaugas Rudis | N/A | Main | 25:02:37 | 12:06:32 | 12:06:32 | 12:06:32 | 13:10:57 | 17:21:34 |
Vytenis Aleliunas | N/A | Main | 25:02:38 | 10:18:22 | 10:18:22 | 10:18:22 | 13:10:51 | 17:21:37 |
Ovidiu Nodea | N/A | Main | 27:06:57 | 1:21:25 | 4:03:43 | 8:19:06 | 11:22:40 | |
Peter Vancampenhout | N/A | Main | 22:07:46 | 2:20:21 | 5:15:00 | 10:22:11 | 14:15:11 | 19:07:30 |
Richard Williams | N/A | Main | 32:11:39 | 8:17:44 | 8:17:44 | 8:17:44 | ||
Sina Witte | N/A | Main | 28:22:36 | 1:20:06 | 3:16:32 | 7:14:01 | 10:11:25 | 14:03:34 |
Victor Decouard | N/A | Main | 28:22:38 | 1:20:07 | 3:16:30 | 7:14:01 | 10:11:40 | 14:03:34 |
Dimitris Mavropoulos | N/A | Main | 27:13:07 | 2:00:03 | 4:03:17 | 8:11:05 | 10:22:26 | 15:13:03 |
Orestis Kapetanopoulos | N/A | Main | 28:10:37 | 1:23:18 | 4:03:15 | 8:11:02 | 12:18:26 | 14:15:51 |
Angela Walker | N/A | Main | 22:06:24 | 2:05:38 | 5:12:12 | 10:17:55 | 14:19:04 | 20:16:00 |
Julie Bullen | N/A | Main | 22:10:23 | 2:05:15 | 5:12:10 | 10:17:53 | 14:18:59 | 20:16:01 |
Juju's Car | N/A | Main | 29:15:09 | 0:21:22 | 2:20:21 | 3:20:44 | 9:02:37 | 12:23:54 |
Jacapo's Car | N/A | Main | 29:15:37 | 0:18:16 | 2:01:05 | 4:23:57 | 6:00:20 | 9:22:55 |
Time format: days:hours:minutes. Note that all times are computed from SPOT points and are UNOFFICIAL, best estimates only.

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